Načini obstajanja || Tjaž Juvan in Danka Sekulović

foto: marko max radosevic

Akrobatsko žonglerska predstava na treh kvadratnih metrih.


Samuel Beckett je  definiral navado kot kompromis med posameznikom in njegovim okoljem, med posameznikom in njegovimi organskimi ekscentričnostmi. Če je življenje sestavljeno iz niza navad in je svet projekcija individualne zavesti, potem je navada le generični izraz za neštete dogovore med nešteto subjekti. To so razmerja, ki se vzpostavijo ne le med izvajalci_kami, ampak tudi med izvajalci_kami in občinstvom, ter  med neštetimi subjekti in njihovimi korelativnimi subjekti.

 Umetnika sta se odločila postaviti jasne meje in pustiti malo prostora za gibanje, kar je zelo neposredna referenca na življenjske razmere, na katere pristajamo. Prav tako pa prostor pogojuje cirkuške discipline, da stisnejo in dosežejo ravnovesje, na najmanjši možni točki.


dogodke v okviru festivala Trojne salte

fb dogodek:

vstopnina: prostovoljni prispevki


English description:

Samuel Beckett defined habit as a compromise reached between the individual and his environment, between the individual and his organic eccentricities. If life consists of a series of habits, and the world is a projection of individual consciousness, then the habit is only a generic term for countless agreements made between countless subjects, which is a relationship that is established not only between the performer but also between the performer and the audience, but also between the countless subjects and their correlative subjects. The artists chose to set clear limits and leave little room for movement, which is a very direct reference to the living conditions to which we agree, also conditioned the circus disciplines to compress and to achieve balancing, at the smallest possible point.